Women's Ministry

Lets face it! Life is hard! Women need one another to help carry the burdens! We tend to care for others more than we take time for ourself. We lock others out in fear we will look like a failure so we hold in thoughts and feelings of inadequacies because everyone else has a picture-perfect life compared to us! But that’s not always the case. The other women are putting on the act just like you! It’s time for us to be women who are HOT (Humble, Open and Transparent).

The Women’s Ministry Team wants to bring women closer together so we can stand with one another, side by side, through the good times and bad times! We welcome all women ages 18 and older to come to our events and experience a time of fellowship and the freedom to be who you with no judgements!

Join our mailing list if you would like to be notified of upcoming events!  Send us an email at PatNazWomensMinistry@gmail.com!

Women's Ministry Events